Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 8-Nicaragua

Day 8 was Sunday and it would be a full day of new adventures.
This was the day we have been waiting for, everything we had 
prepared back in the US for.

Canning supplies sent from the US.

The group discussing what the next step will be.

The first project we showed the farmers was making glycerin soap.
As this can be done with a stove of any kind.
First we cut the glycerin and then melt it.  We then
mix it with tea which we made with herbs. Finally, we
pour it into molds.
Patti pouring soap into molds.
Stove fired by wood.
Rigo looking at the finished soap.

Corn cut by hand
The stove fired by wood.

The finished preserved corn.
Mike removing the canned corn..

The steps to canning corn was first take the corn off the cob.  Then cook in boiling water and get it into jars.  Then put it into a pressure canner for steam processing.
Remove from canner and you got preserved corn.

Rachel and Martine sitting with the churro-pig.

The last part of our day was sitting watching the sun set.

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